February 2018 - The Beckett Theater, Theater Row, NYC
I seem to be on a jag of playing 19th century foreign literary figures with facial hair (scroll down). What an incredible blast I had playing the great Russian playwright Anton Chekhov in this brilliant and funny (and critically acclaimed!) new play by John McKinney. And a privilege working under the fine direction of long-time colleague Leslie Kincaid Burby. The extra perk, aside from working with such a lovely cast (Dana Watkins, Elizabeth Inghram, Charlotte Stoiber, and Christian Ryan), was getting to reaquaint myself with Chekhov's short stories. Man! Just incredible. -Rik
February 2016 - Morristown, NJ
Studied this play by Milan Stitt in college in the 80's and always dreamed that I would one day get a chance to play the role of this deeply tortured priest, Fr. Rivard. Thank you to Eric Hafen and The Bickford Theatre for this amazing ride with this amazing cast. Still stunned I'm actually doing this! -Rik
"This story of love and religion, surprisingly relevant today, is impressively presented ... outstanding lead actors ... so perfectly cast ... truly rewarding theatre experience... a remarkable actor, Rik Walter. Walter perfectly projects the torment Rivard faces."
October 2016 - West Orange, NJ
I don't think I've worked with a regional theater that has taken such pains to present a play so carefully and thoughtfully. The Luna Stage team misses not the smallest of points, from the abstract subtly of the visual and aural elements of its design team, to the careful and attentive hand of director, Cheryl Katz -- a true actor's director -- to the contextual sensitivity of its playwright and dramaturgical team. And Ian Gould, what can I say, you were glorious to work with. -Rik
"Ian Gould as Roosevelt and Rik Walter as Muir are superb." - NJ Arts Mavin
Headshot by Leslie Silva
" a class of his own."
THE LATEST: Had a fabulous reunion with Mariska in season 21, episode 5 : "At Midnight in Manhattan". Two very talented and fun-to-hang-with co-stars (Nicole Brydon Bloom, Jill Abramovitz) as my daughter and wife. Click the image for link to the episode. -Rik
Summer 2018 - Acting Classes with Rik Walter
Uta Hagen was a formative influence on my development as an actor, and after 30 years I still find myself returning to her concepts as both actor and teacher. What an incredible joy and honor it was to take a group of actors--professionals, college students, community members--through Uta's OBJECT EXERCISES, which she created to help actors develop and sharpen self-awareness, observation and creative imagination, while building and heightening responsiveness to Action. I am positive and I learned MUCH more in these 10 weeks than any of my students. Thanks to Martha Granger for these great action shots! -Rik
September 2015 - Roosevelt Island, NYC
My Unforgettable guest star episode (#13 "Paranoid Android") with stars Poppy Montgomery and Dylan Walsh, and fellow guest star Bruce Davidson, aired January 25, 2016 on A&E, wherein I played an unwitting pawn in a most dangerous game.
July 2015 - Chester, MA
Five weeks of some serious character work at The Chester Theatre Company. My deepest respects to director Byam Stevens, and an immensely talented and generous cast in Michael Sean McGuinness (Tolstoy) and Ezra Barnes (Jefferson). I created this photo series for my kids to show them how Daddy transformed into Dickens every night. Thought you might enjoy it to. -Rik